Have you ever felt that you’re superior over others just because you are at a higher post than them? That quality might be one reason why your work performance has been low. Ego plays a massive part in tarnishing your business performance, along with your relationship with your peers. It’s essential to figure out where you’re going wrong and learn from your mistakes.
Are you unaware of how your ego is playing a part during work? Let’s look at some behaviors, so you can become aware of what your ego is doing to your work performance and environment. How is your ego killing your business? 1. Over-estimating your abilities You’re someone that believes they can achieve anything. Even though this is a positive mindset that one needs to have for work but don’t go overboard with it. If you set unachievable goals for yourself and your team based on your inflated ego, which will, in turn, harm your business. 2. Lack of learning Due to the complex that you’re incredibly knowledgeable, you don’t indulge in more learning activities. You’re stuck in a paradox where there’s no learning or growth. How do you think this will affect your business? Egoistic minds, along with not trying to learn more, tend to ignore any criticism being put forward. Instead of working on being more productive, these criticisms are taken personal because of their ego. 3. Decisions solely based on your approval Is it possible for you to know everything? You being the final decision maker without involving other people in this process is extremely harmful to your business. What can you do to keep your ego at bay and learn from your mistakes? 1. Stop and think Before reacting to any criticism or differing opinions, stop. Then, think of the pros and cons. It may be difficult to do so at that start, but you’ll get the hang of it. Be accepting of different opinions for your business to grow. 2. Quit the blame-game Your ego leaves you with no option but to point fingers at someone for any mishap. Learn how to stop. Evaluate the situation and figure out how to correct the problem rather than blaming others. 3. Treat everyone equally Learn how to be kind and respectful towards all your colleagues. Rather than pointing out differences in stature and designation, incorporate healthy conversations. This would boost morale in your business and would also result in better productivity. 4. Take credit for success and failure It might be easy for you to take credit for any success, but the real deal is when you acknowledge your failures. Your ego is kept aside, and you face head-on with where you went wrong. Ego is generally considered a negative trait to have when it comes to the business environment. Focus on what mistakes you’re making when it comes to your ego and learn how to make amends. Realizing where you’re wrong is critical when it comes to learning from your mistakes. Stashing your ego away will definitely help to create a more friendly working space for you and your colleagues. References: https://careerbright.com/career-self-help/leadership-ego-may-killing-company https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/278901 https://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/how-to/growth-strategies/2018/02/how-to-know-when-an-ego-check-is-in-order.html https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/279633 https://www.fastcompany.com/3046831/5-ways-your-ego-could-kill-your-business https://www.inc.com/brian-d-evans/11-ways-to-balance-humility-and-ego-in-business.html
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